THE FINAL THEORY: Rethinking Our Scientific Legacy



What to Watch for in the Second Edition

Logical Fallacy Analysis:


We have all heard of "red herring" diversions, or the erroneous logic of "two wrongs make a right", but these are actually just two common examples of an extensive and very well-defined list of formal logical fallacies in thought that affect human affairs far more often than we may sometimes realize. Well known in the field of philosophy, many of these formal logical fallacies can be identified in many of our past and present scientific claims and beliefs, at times taking science far off course.

The second edition of The Final Theory identifies a core of about a dozen key formal logical fallacies that appear repeatedly in our science legacy, clearly showing precisely where, how and why some of our core theories and beliefs might have veered far off the path of solid science.

Additional Simple Experiments:
Science mysteries are not only found deep within the atom or far out in space; they can be found and explored all around us in our everyday world with simple experiments that anyone can easily perform. Various new physical experiments with falling objects, liquid water, atmospheric pressure and more, as well as new thought experiments, are shown to pose deep mysteries when viewed from today's science paradigm, along with a new scientific perspective for truly understanding them.

Extended Material:
The first edition presented many new ideas and concepts that fascinated readers, peaking their curiosity and inspiring them to pursue many of these issues even further. The second edition addresses such reader response by deepening or extending the key discussions that have inspired the most interest and discussion.

Sizable New Sections:
Although most areas of physical science were addressed in the first edition, some key areas had to wait for the second edition to receive a full treatment. In these cases, sizable new sections have been added, such as sections on General Relativity, the Crisis in Cosmology, and more, in the same in-depth style readers have come to expect from the first edition.



Why The Final Theory  ...

Science is our tool for uncovering the nature of our universe, and since we seem to inhabit a stable, orderly universe based on solid and reliable physical principles, as our science develops it should bring things more into focus, producing an increasingly clear picture of it all. Yet, in the past century alone, our science has given us quantum paradoxes, relativity mysteries, parallel universes, hyper-dimensional superstrings, virtual particles, dark matter, dark energy ... and the list goes on. Is our universe truly such a bizarre place, or could it be that our investigative tool itself – our science – has simply lost its way? The Final Theory makes a firm case for the latter, providing clear, no-nonsense discussions exposing the fatal flaws in all the above concepts and more, stepping back to take a good look at the scientific legacy we have inherited.

Crucially, our science rests upon the Law of Conservation of Energy, which states that everything arises from a pool of continually recycled energy that is never created or destroyed, but only changes form. Consequently, all energies and forces must be produced or transformed from another underlying energy source. A universe where isolated energies and forces could be conjured up to act on the surroundings without drawing upon an underlying energy source would be one of fantasy and magic – not science. This central energy conservation law encompasses gravity, magnetism, electricity, electromagnetic radiation, strong and weak nuclear forces, and even matter itself via the energy-mass equivalence, E=mc2. As such, it is critically important to note that science as we know it is entirely an energy-based paradigm, composed of a patchwork of separate and still rather poorly understood energies, forces and "effects." And further, many of these everyday phenomena do indeed act mysteriously and continually on their own, with such clearly visible physical energy-conservation violations either overlooked or dismissed with flawed logical abstractions. This is our energy paradigm, inherited from a much simpler time, which we now use exclusively and unquestioningly as the scientific lens through which we view and interpret all observations.

This also means, then, that our scientists’ current search for the ultimate understanding – the final Theory of Everythingdemands that it be found wholly within this inherited energy paradigm. Yet, as The Final Theory clearly shows, this is a dangerously presumptuous restriction to impose on the pursuit of such a grand unknown, and is the reason all such attempts at a final theory have failed – until now. What, after all, is the word "energy", except a legacy catch-all term for active phenomena all around us that scientists still struggle to understand even today? The experts concede that the nature of gravitational energy remains an open question even today, long after both Newton and Einstein. Light, and all electromagnetic radiation from radio waves to X-rays, is now considered a quantum-mechanical wave-particle paradox. Electric charge and magnetism are essentially first-causes unto themselves, existing and acting forcefully, energetically and endlessly on their own despite the energy transformation requirements of our conservation laws. The "strong and weak nuclear forces" are actually models of forces that, should they turn out to exist as advertised, also exist and act forcefully, energetically and endlessly without the required underlying energy transformation; and these two nuclear forces were proposed in attempts to explain observations that otherwise contradict today’s atomic theory. And the velocity of light is mysteriously linked to the very passage of time, via Special Relativity theory, while unexplained "Dark Energy" and unseen "Dark Matter" have been fast-tracked into our science in an attempt to account for vast discrepancies between cosmological observations and the equations of General Relativity theory.

So, does all the order around us truly spring from a law-violating universe of bizarre phenomena, or is our inherited science paradigm and its dedicated community of practitioners unwittingly separating us ever further from a true understanding of our universe, and perhaps even the meaning of it all? The Final Theory shows it is time to acknowledge that our science is a fatally flawed inherited energy paradigm, and presents a sweeping new scientific paradigm that redefines our various "energies" in terms of a single overlooked principle that gives a much more sensible scientific explanation of the observations around us. This new principle is actually the literal interpretation of the elevator-in-space thought experiment Einstein developed into his far more abstract General Relativity theory, and answers the question: if the legacy term "energy" is actually just a centuries-old placeholder for an unknown at the heart of it all, what is this unknown?

To be sure, there have been many explanatory attempts from scientists and laymen alike, with the more wild and scientifically questionable proposals of late arguably coming from within the official scientific community itself. Rather than scientists questioning current theory when observations strongly suggest it, often quite imaginative proposals emerge that "explain" by characterizing new unexplained phenomena – for further investigation. This often becomes de facto "science" if it creates enough controversy or intrigue to continually feed the science media and attract funding. The recent meteoric rise of "Dark Matter" and "Dark Energy" into our science provides an excellent case study of this process, where observations would otherwise suggest a rethink of current gravitational theory or cosmological assumptions. In such cases, the failure of the current theory and the viability of the unexplained new phenomena are completely glossed over despite the fact that the classic scientific method requires that any theory refuted by experiment or observation be simply considered wrong and in need of a rethink. This now commonplace disregard for the classic scientific method, and appetite for scientifically unexplained inventions as explanations, has led to the increasingly troubled state of our science.

Although these many ongoing explanatory attempts all recognize that something major is wrong or missing in our science, they all, fatally, either lie firmly within our troubled energy-based legacy or depart far from anything scientific – and often both. This has now resulted in all claims to a final theory being immediately tarred with the same brush, all equally tarnished and stereotyped from the start. While this might be expected after so many have cried "Wolf!", it is important to remember that in the original parable there eventually really was a wolf. So, too, in our quest for the Theory of Everything, if our universe is actually the rational and comprehensible place it would seem, particularly when not viewed through the lens of the past century’s more fanciful science, then there really should be a sensible, sweeping, clarifying final theory awaiting discovery. And indeed, within the pages of The Final Theory lies the first truly comprehensive, entirely alternate and fully parallel scientific view of our universe and the world around us to break free of our troubled energy paradigm and qualify as this final scientific understanding.

Concepts you will encounter ... and quite possibly rethink:

Newton's Gravitational Force   
Einstein's General Relativity
Einstein's Special Relativity   
Galileo and Falling Objects
The Gravity of the Moon    
The Cause of Tides
The Physical Nature of Light   
Wave-Particle Duality
The Nature of Energy    
The Law of Conservation of Energy
The Red Shift of Starlight   
The Big Bang
Quantum Mechanics    
The Structure of the Atom
The Strong Nuclear Force   
The Weak Nuclear Force
The Twin Paradox    
The Flatland Universe
Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation  
The Expansion of the Universe
Electric Fields     
Magnetic Fields
Positive and Negative Charge
Particle Accelerator Experiments  
The Physics Beneath our Universe
The Nature of Protons and Neutrons  
The Nature of Quarks
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
The Nature of Time    
The Speed-Of-Light Limit 
The Nature of Chemical Bonds   
Newton's First Law of Motion
The Nature of Orbits    
The Pioneer Anomaly
Black Holes     
Einstein's E=mc2 Equation
Violations of the Laws of Physics  
The Structure of the Atom
Dark Matter     
Dark Energy
The Mass of Planets and Stars   
Einstein’s Space Elevator
Faster-Than-Light Communication   
Quantum Entanglement
Olbers' Paradox     
Temperature in Space    
Gyroscopic Stability
The Cause of Inertia    
Gravity-Assist Maneuvers
The Second Law of Thermodynamics  
Prisms and the Light Spectrum
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle  
The Shroedinger Wave Equation
The Work Equation    
Nuclear Fission