More Information on the Book and the Quest for the Theory Of Everything
The Final Theory finally ushers in the scientific revolution our scientists have been searching for, solving the mysteries in our science legacy from Newton through to Einstein. Unlike many others who make similar claims only to disappoint, this is for real! Read on and decide for yourself.
Here are just a few of the many quotes exposing our lost science, direct from our science experts:
"We don't know anything. Everything about gravity is mysterious." -- Michael Martin Nieto, theoretical physicist, Los Alamos National Laboratory. Discover Magazine, October 2003
"Only a few people understand -- or think they understand -- how a permanent magnet works. The magnet of everyday life is not a simple thing. It's a quantum-mechanics thing " -- Tatiana Makarova, physicist, Umea University, Sweden. Discover Magazine, December 2002
"Gravity may not be working as advertised. Spacecraft hurtling through the Solar System have been behaving so bizarrely that some scientists wonder whether our theories of gravity are wrong." -- Charles Seife, New Scientist Magazine, September 1998
The Final Theory is a newly published science book that clearly outlines the many unexplained mysteries and irresolvable discrepancies in today's science .. then presents a new theory that resolves them into the only fully explained and beautifully consistent scientific paradigm -- something that has never truly been done before. Although scientists openly admit there is much to learn and are often confused, amazed or mystified by their findings, The Final Theory examines our current scientific beliefs themselves -- which we all learn in school -- and clearly shows that it is these very beliefs that are the problem. How can the universe be accelerating its expansion with no known explanation, as today's Big Bang Theory now states? How can gravity hold us to the planet, constrain our moon in orbit, and orchestrate the dynamics of our solar system and the entire universe with no known power source? Even fridge magnets and charged objects cling via magnetic or electrical energy that mysteriously never drains -- and has no known power source.
These are clearly impossible feats in plain view, which both our common sense and even our most elementary laws of physics say are impossible, but since today’s science can’t truly expllain them it tries to justify and dismiss such issues. We have weak logical arguments in our science, such as the Work Function justification (discussed in the book), that attempt to logically explain away these issues rather than truly physically explaining them. This is unfortunate since it is these very everyday mysteries in plain view that hold the clues to the answers we seek, yet this is also understandable since it is impossible to truly explain these mysteries from within our current science paradigm.
What we need, and indeed what our scientists are searching for intently, is a complete paradigm shift -- known as the Theory of Everything. Such a theory would usher in a much-needed scientific revolution, but we cannot achieve this by sheer willpower. Such lateral leaps must occur in their own time -- often by serendipity in a prepared, educated mind. Just such a paradigm shift is contained in The Final Theory. Impossible? Not at all. As mentioned, most scientists today openly admit that they are actively searching for and eagerly anticipating such a theory, which is the very reason for all the scientific investigation that is going on today with enormous particle accelerators and powerful telescopes such as the Hubble telescope. Many of our best known and most respected scientists have published books and written science articles stating that they expect this final theory to arrive any day now:
"A Unified Physics by 2050?" --- Scientific American article by Nobel Laureate, Steven Weinberg
Time Magazine Article on The Theory Of Everything
MSNBC Article on The Theory Of Everything
Yet, as eagerly anticipated as this final theory is, it is also a very controversial and sensitive area for scientists, for several. reasons. First, this state of affairs leaves our scientists in a difficult position; on the one hand they are our science authority and keepers of our knowledge, while on the other hand they are searching for a theory that may well state that everything they know is wrong. This is what is meant by a paradigm shift.
This literally means that, while Newton gave us a useful model of gravity as an attracting force 300 years ago, it was not the correct physical explanation for falling apples and orbiting moons, compelling as it is. Also, Einstein’s alternate theory of gravity -- warped 4-dimensional space-time surrounding all all objects -- would only be another model, but not the true description of gravity either. Even Benjamin Franklin’s theory of static electricity and electric charge would also be entirely re-explained by this new theory. Our very description of the atom, from Bohr and Rutherford all the way up to today’s mysterious quantum-mechanical theories would also be shown as mere models of a deeper physical truth. And yes, our mainstay of much futuristic science as well as science-fiction, Einstein's Special Relativity Theory, would also be shown to be a mere misunderstanding.
Scientists struggle terribly with all of these concepts today; yet, while many admit this final Theory Of Everything may well rewrite the physics books, few, if any, may be truly willing to consider that everything they think they know today is wrong.
A second reason why this final theory is a sensitive area is because many individuals who are frustrated with the numerous mysteries in our science, and who rightly do not accept the justifications and dismissals today’s science offers, have tried to come up with the answers themselves. And, while this is an admirable pursuit, it is quite unreasonable to decide to arrive at a theory that ushers in a scientific revolution simply by will- power alone; such lateral leaps of understanding cannot be forced, much as we might wish they could. As a result, in recent decades the scientific community has suffered many unpleasant encounters from so-called "kooks" or "cranks" who push their pet theories relentlessly, often without a solid under- standing of today’s science and despite clearly fatal flaws in. their own theories. Many scientists resent these amateur theorists and view them as corrupting our science, while some scientists even feel personally harassed by a few of them.
Due to these two effects, there is now an unofficial moratorium on new "theories of everything" from the public. The scientific community generally dismisses any and all such claims, as does the science media. So, what happens if the true Theory Of Everything actually does arise in the mind of a scientifically educated individual, as is bound to happen eventually if such a theory is possible, but one who has no published papers and does not hold an official academic position? Both the scientific community and the science news media would dismiss it, sight unseen, as just another wild theory from the public, leaving it in obscurity. All that could be done is to write it out clearly and professionally and hopefully publish it in a book. But even once this milestone is achieved, there is such a strong aversion to "outside" theories -- even from rational, scientifically educated individuals -- that the scientific community and science news media are still highly unlikely to acknowledge it. Meanwhile, millions of people remain disillusioned with the state of our science and hunger for answers and understanding.
So, the natural path to take is to bring the book directly to the public, which is what this website is all about. The Theory Of Everything has truly arrived! Unfortunately, this is far from a new claim; many so-called "pseudo-scientists" have also made this claim. So, this website was set up to give as much information as possible to show that the author has a firm grasp of today's scientific beliefs before presenting the new paradigm. Since The Final Theory is currently only available for online orders and is not available in stores at the moment, as much of the book content as possible and reasonable has been made available for consideration. You are invited to explore this website as well as the publisher's site, and even contact the author by email if you wish. The Final Theory is for real. The Theory Of Everything has finally arrived!
"Mighty, sublime, wonderful, as have been the achievements of past science, as yet we are but on the verge of the continents of discovery. Where is the wizard who can tell what lies in the womb of time? Just as our conceptions of many things have been revolutionized in the past, those which we hold to-day of the cosmic processes may have to be remodeled in the future. The men of fifty years hence may laugh at the circumscribed knowledge of the present and shake their wise heads in contemplation of what they will term our crudities, and which we now call progress. Science is ever on the march and what is new to-day will be old to-morrow." -- Paul Severing, 1910 (from Marvels of Modern Science)